Sendspark Blog > How to Increase Audience Engagement With Daily Email Digest + Examples

How to Increase Audience Engagement With Daily Email Digest + Examples

A digest email is basically a summary delivered in a convenient format. Many of the most successful websites have implemented new email notifications for their users. You can catch these notifications literally every day.

The goal of this email is to encourage your recipients to read your blog and view the on-site links with no need to log in and do so themselves. That will motivate your users to read your blog, and that’s the key to attracting the desired visitor target.

This article will guide you on how to boost audience engagement using daily digest email. In addition to that, we’ll share with you a few examples.

Why Digest E-mails?

They Are The Warmest of All Emails

One of the critical objectives of sending an email is to make it easy for people to follow it. Good emails are straightforward and easy to read. Emails delivered to the inbox do not just clutter waiting to be deleted. It is where people spend most of their time.

Tweaking your newsletter and making it lean is like saying:

“As I want you to pull the values out of the material with no need to log in and search elsewhere, please have the patience to go through this highly customizable package that we provide you. Here’s what you require, all wrapped up in a lovely small packet.”

They Drive Significant Attention

Given that digest emails are typically sent on a regular agenda, usually daily or weekly, they help keep your brand over the top by promoting it on a scheduled basis. 

They Are Adapted to the Person 

They contain data specific to your activities on the product in real-time. This strong connection is one of the reasons they receive increased engagement rates. 

How to Boost Audience Engagement

As I noted earlier, clever, well-thought-out digest emails can be excellent engines for communicating with your users (on a website, on Twitter, etc.). However, they can also be overpowering and result in unsubscribes. If your digest emails do not deliver adequate value to your readers, it can become overwhelming and lead to annoyance in the end. 

To keep you away from this problem, we will suggest you a few directions. 

1. Think About Your User Before You Write

It doesn't matter how many forms we bring users through, it's how we understand them as individuals that's ultimately a crucial guideline. To be more effective, the emails we field from users are most influential. 

To ensure they are effective, send emails that answer the question: "What value do we offer to users which makes their experience with our app/website/blog more suitable, more enjoyable, and valuable?" 

2. Be Highly Personal and Applicable

This one is key for Digest emails. A repeating daily or weekly email should be personalized for the recipient, whether or not its content is stored in the recipient’s inbox. 

This email should include info about the recipient, his/her activity over the last day, week, or month, and about friends or contacts that they have in common. 

3. Determine the Right Timing

By that, we mean “when” and “how often”.

“How often” means daily, weekly, or monthly, but you must be cautious to not go too far one way or the other. If the data is useful daily and any additional content on a week time scale, make a daily digest. 

If the information is more beneficial on a weekly scale, create a weekly one. If it makes any sense for your readers, you can create both of them.

“When” means the time zone you want to communicate with your users by email. Ideally, you would like to increase your open rates. However, to do so, you first have to comprehend the way your users function and what is their lifestyle.

The answer will depend on their expectations, roles, protocols, and the shape of your culture. Delivery options and times should convey the right consistency, convenience, and timing to your users.

If the recipient really wants an overview of the details relayed, send the mail at a time where the recipient is most likely to want to receive the content. Consider sending the digest emails when the recipient will appreciate the message the most. 

4. Give Personality to Your Company

People who are receiving your emails should feel good about just opening them in their inbox on account of your brand. Your email newsletters should have a face that reflects your company, but they don't have to be dull. 

You also don't have to go overboard with flamboyance. Simply be warm and personable. Help them await with pleasure to answer them. 

5. Don’t Let It Become Stagnant

This is one of the biggest issues regarding this kind of email today. For one, they are too static, which is often counterproductive. Making them more engaging is essential. Here are some hints for making your emails more attractive. 

Add valuable comments to your emails. This can be a lot of work, but it may have a beneficial effect on the relationship that you are building. 

Make changes to the format components to keep things renewed. Try altering some of the image and color choices. For weather apps, make an image digest for cloudy weather and a solid yellow for sunny, hot days. Provide notifications about severe storm warnings and high altitudes. 

Modify your regular emails with updates when needed so they continue to be useful. You’ll discover that readers and their use grow, so your digest should change, too. Do not perpetuate a poor digest format that incentivizes everyone to just say “Meh.” 

Daily Digest Email Examples

LinkedIn Digest Email

Report emails and push notifications are the two primary channels that LinkedIn uses to communicate with members. Examples of LinkedIn communication include invitations to join groups, periodic email updates (e.g., LinkedIn Groups digest, “What You Missed”, network updates, etc.), endorsements, and job recommendations. 

Digest Email Example 1 - LinkedIn


In this way, LinkedIn shows its users the value of using LinkedIn. They will send you daily updates on what’s happening to people in your network.


TheSkimm is the daily e-mail newsletter that tells you everything you need to start your day. No subject lines, no parties, and no cable news were dropped from its introductory email. It's a union of editorial content and data. The Skimm is a new category of publications, and I'm optimistic about its future. 

Digest Email Example 2 - TheSkimm


One of the things that makes this daily digest unique is that every single email starts with a quote of the day. You are able to share those quotes on social media or by sending the whole email to someone else.

The Mattermark Daily

The Mattermark Newsletter includes articles about pitching a project, fundraising, and how to establish a company. It goes on and on about all things related to the startup scene.

Digest Email Example 3 - Mattermark

A combination of organic press mentions, word-of-mouth, and readers sharing the newsletter with their social networks drove the subscriber growth and engagement rate. Around the newsletter’s brand, they also built a Twitter community which was crucial for increasing audience engagement.

Crypto Ping Pong Digest

For those interested in the crypto world, Crypto Ping Pong Digest gathers memes, leaks, and gossip about crypto and shares it with you on their site. 

Digest Email Example - TradeCrypto



The Crypto Ping Pong Digest is full of interesting memes and what encourages the audience to engage is the possibility to rate their digest.

Digest Email Feedback Survey

Product Hunt

Get a summary of all new products every day. 

Digest Email Example 5 - Product Hunt


Product Hunt’s daily emails are always starting with a comment from its founder and that’s what makes this newsletter more personal and makes the audience answer the emails.

Final Thoughts

This is definitely the most engaging email form. It should contain key information relevant to your audience and should be entertaining and attractive, ideally integrating easily with your onboarding sequence. 

Whether you are a content agency or a SaaS app, it is a service your users will benefit from. They should receive them. If you aren't already doing that, please consider getting started sending them.

If you need additional help with the format and layout of the digest email, you can always leverage our help.

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