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How to Get Video Testimonials From Customers

There is no denying that video testimonials are incredibly effective at boosting sales and convincing potential customers to do business with you. They provide your potential customers with a real-life example of how your product or service has helped others, and they can be highly effective in converting leads into customers. 

The challenge with creating video testimonials in person can be managing logistics. There are a lot of logistical considerations when it comes to recording video testimonials in person, such as finding a location, setting up camera equipment, and making sure the audio is good quality. 

If you're not experienced with video production, it can be a lot to handle on your own. 

Luckily, there’s an easier and simpler way to create high-converting video testimonials without all that hustle: have your customers create them for you asynchronously using Sendspark.

What are asynchronous video testimonials?

Asynchronous video testimonials are a type of user-generated content that can be used to promote your brand or product. Unlike traditional live testimonials, which are recorded in real-time, asynchronous videos are recorded independently by the client in their own time, leaving you free to attend to other aspects of your business. 

They are remotely recorded by customers with their own devices — generally a phone or webcam — at a time that is most convenient for them. These videos can then be embedded on your website, shared on social, or added to an outbound prospecting campaign.

How to get video testimonials from customers with Sendspark

The best way to get a video testimonial from a customer is to ask with a video yourself, and Sendspark makes it easy to record your own videos and request testimonials from customers. 

Here’s a quick step-by-step process for how to get video testimonials from your customers using Sendspark.

1. Record a video asking for a video testimonial

When you ask a customer for a video testimonial, it helps to send THEM a video first. This is great for a few reasons. It’s personal, so they know you really care about them and their voice.

Also, it gives them some visual cues for how you want them to dress, look, and speak in their video for you so they’re not left wondering how formal they should be. They can simply mimic what you sent them in their response.

In your video, tell them why their voice is important to you, and be sure to list the questions you’d like them to answer.

2. Add a video request link below the video

Use a video call-to-action to make it seamless for your customer to start recording and send you their video testimonial.

Simply grab the video request link from your Sendspark dashboard, and insert the URL in the call-to-action field.

3. Share your video request

Share your testimonial request with your customer with a quick copy and paste into an email, LinkedIn message, Slack DM, etc.. The recipient will be able to view your video and then click the CTA to record their own.

When your recipient clicks the CTA, it launches a recorder on their phone or computer — they don't have to have a Sendspark account or download anything to record their video. 

If they don't like the video they created, they can review it and re-record it as many times as they would like.

4. Access the video in Sendspark

Once your customer finishes their video, you’ll be able to view it in your Sendspark dashboard. From there, you can either download the video or convert it into a prospecting campaign.

Questions to ask customers in video testimonials

The best way to get a great testimonial video back from your customer is to ask the right questions. Here are five of our favorite questions to ask.

Who are you and what do you do?

Start off by having your customers introduce themselves. They should say their name, their job title, and the company they work for, as well as a brief one-liner about their objectives at work.

What problem were you experiencing that led you to our product?

This is the most important question! Let your customer say, in their own words, why they tried out your product. It wasn’t because of your awesome features; it was because of a problem they were experiencing.

This is key because prospective customers who are watching the video might not know what features they’re looking for in a solution, but they will know what problem they are experiencing. So, if your product worked for someone with the same problem, it will likely work for them.

How did you decide to use our solution?

Let your customer talk a bit about why they chose your solution and ruled out other options. Why are you the absolute best option out there?

How did our solution help you solve the problem?

Close the gap on the problem statement by letting your customers explain how your solution helped them.

Follow up by asking about specific business metrics so you have a neat video soundbite reinforcing that your product helps drive revenue, increase productivity, or drive other important business outcomes.

Would you recommend this solution to others?

With this question, you can get a great 15-second video soundbite of your customers saying that they would recommend your platform to other people in your target customer profile.

Customer video testimonial best practices

So what steps do you need to take when creating this kind of video testimonial to make sure it's as effective as possible? 

Well, you certainly don't need expensive equipment or a lot of experience to record a great video testimonial. Just follow these simple tips and you'll be on your way. 

Choose the right customer

When it comes to recording a video testimonial, it's important to choose the right customer. Ideally, you want someone who is articulate and can speak coherently about their experience with your product or service. 

This may seem obvious, but it's important to choose a customer who will be able to deliver a strong and convincing testimonial on camera — someone who is enthusiastic and who comes across as genuine in their praise. 

Here are a few tips for preparing the customer to give an effective testimonial:

  • Ensure that they understand the purpose of the testimonial and what message you're trying to communicate. This will help them focus their comments and stay on-topic. 
  • Send them a list of guiding questions along with some bullet points that you would like them to cover.
  • Tell them not to use a script. While it's good for the customer to have a few talking points prepared beforehand, it’s also very important to ask them not to use a script during the recording, as they will come off as robotic and unnatural.
  • Encourage them to be natural and relaxed on camera. The more comfortable they are, the more believable and persuasive their testimonial will be. 

Encourage the customer to keep their video short and compelling

Did you know that shorter testimonials are more effective than longer ones? Studies have shown that video testimonials under two minutes are more persuasive and have higher conversion rates than longer videos.

There are several reasons why shorter testimonials are more effective: 

  • They're easier for viewers to watch all the way through. 
  • They get to the point quickly and don't bore viewers with unnecessary details.
  • They leave viewers wanting more, which can encourage them to take action.

So if you're looking to create highly effective video testimonials, encourage your customers to keep them short and to the point. No one wants to watch a long, rambling testimonial. 

If you can keep your videos focused and concise, you will be more likely to engage and influence your audience.

Brand the video testimonial  

Once the customer is done recording their video testimonial, it will upload automatically onto your Sendspark dashboard, and at this point, their job is done. 

You can then easily customize the testimonial to incorporate your brand colors and logo into the video.

Customer testimonial video examples

The main goal of any customer testimonial video is to broadcast your customer’s positive experience with your product, but how you go about doing this is up to you!

Below is a compilation of customer testimonial video examples that represent some interesting and creative ways to approach this task.

Slack: Make People Laugh

Breaking out of the typical, professional mold of a business video isn’t always easy to do. Trying to do something unique can sometimes fall flat.

However, Slack succeeded. They created a hilarious customer testimonial video that is both quirky and fun.

But behind "The Office"-esc camera pans and funny quips, there is a lot of content explaining the positives of using Slack. They interview multiple people within the video, giving a few different perspectives.

You’ll finish watching this customer testimonial video example with a stitch in your side and an itch to download Slack.

Yum Yum Videos: Showcase Your Product

Yum Yum videos knew they had a product people would love.

They chose to let an impressive customer speak to this fact. The customer is framed perfectly, with a picturesque backdrop to match.

As she discusses the ways Yum Yum Videos has helped her business, the video cuts to examples of their product in use. This is a fantastic way to show the viewer how your product works while listening to a customer rave about its success.

Freshbooks: Humanize Your Business

Sometimes a flashy, funny, or ambitious video can be a bit too much.

For a practical business, a practical video is a great option!

Freshbooks — an accounting platform — might not work well with a comedic testimonial.

Instead, they chose to zero in on one customer and allow her to describe her experience with Freshbooks. She explains how the software has changed her business, illustrating what her life was like before and after signing up.

It’s a simple, clean, and honest video that shows the individual impact their business has had on its customers.

Glassdoor: Communicate Impressive Data

A testimonial video is a great opportunity to advertise your business to future customers.

Glassdoor took this into account when editing this testimonial video together.

The customer compares his experience with other recruiting websites while discussing his approval of Glassdoor.

He also provides specific data while explaining how Glassdoor was a significantly cheaper option than the other recruiting sites used by his company.

Through this customer’s communication of positive data, Glassdoor creates an impressive advertisement for their business.

Cohesity: Show Off Your Customers

Information technology and Major League Baseball are not two things that typically go together — conceptually, at least. But Cohesity reminds us that there’s a business side to baseball, too!

Cohesity shows off their impressive customer, the San Francisco Giants, in this testimonial video example. They use sweeping shots of Oracle Park filled with fans, backed by upbeat and exciting music.

While looking at images of the Giants’ stadium, the customer cites specific things he enjoys about Cohesity. He outlines their data deduplication software and the positive impact it has had on the Giants’ technological organization. He also notes how simple and flexible Cohesity is to work with.

By using an impressive customer and highlighting their key features, Cohesity makes a compelling advertisement through this customer testimonial video.

Create video customer testimonials quickly and easily

Sendspark makes it easy to produce your own customer testimonials. Just get your questions ready, then request a video from customers quickly by sharing a link.

Once you have the videos, you can download them or immediately embed them in your prospecting emails, blog posts, and web pages.

Mask group Sendspark is video for sales, that scales! Get started with Sendspark to scale your outreach, build stronger relationships, and communicate better with leads and customers. Get Free Trial

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