Personalized video emails can dramatically increase engagement. While experiments show differing results on the impact video can have on click-through-rates, with results ranging from 13% to 300%, nearly all sources agree: video drives engagement.
However, a video alone is not a silver bullet to increase sales. A personalized video email simply provides transparency into your business... It's up to you to use this opportunity to build trust, convey value, and connect with your customers.
The hardest part of doing video well is knowing:
- When in the customer journey to use videos
- What to say in the videos
So we’re sharing some of our customers' best performing video emails with you as examples.
These personalized video email examples have generated hundreds of views and thousands of dollars of revenue.
If you like what you see, feel free to try out Sendspark to start recording and sharing your own videos.
Personalized Video Email Examples to Inspire You
1. Humanize Automated Emails
Transactional emails are often overlooked, but they have 90%+ open rates, and are huge opportunities to connect with customers. So instead of the usual text, try adding a video that elicits excitement and connects with your potential customer.
“The videos not only make our emails more engaging, but also help us build personal relationships with applicants”
2. Connect Before Conferences
Heading to a conference? Send out videos to set up meetings in advance on behalf of yourself or the sales team who will be at the event. When you get there, it will feel like your potential customers already know you.
3. Warm Up Event Invitations
Or, if you’re hosting the event, warm up invitations with a video to make guests feel personally welcomed. It can be intimidating to show up for an event where you don’t know anyone, but with a video invitation, your guests will feel like they already know you.
Bonus - If your event has a guest speaker, you can request a video from the speaker herself to feature in the invitation.
4. Showcase Your Product
Go Smart Solar sent this video out to their whole list, and saw nearly a 50% increase in click-through versus another email with almost identical copy. Your prospective customers want to see what you sell… And they want to see you have fun selling it!
5. Drive Donations or Purchases
Parting with money is a very personal experience. Video provides transparency to build trust - even over disparate locations and time zones. Big Brothers Big Sisters of South Texas used videos in their annual appeal to raise 200% more than the previous year.
6. Incorporate Customer Faces & Voices in Your Marketing Emails
You say it great… But your customers say it better. Leverage the power of community to show what your solution is capable of, and what a customer’s life could look like if they embrace your product.
7. Be Social in Email
Your posts on social media only have a 60% chance of being shown to followers, while emails have a 90% chance of getting in front of subscribers. So don't save all of the good stuff for social! Cookie Cab uses video emails to drive engagement to their Instagram page.
Make Personalized Video Emails with Sendspark
And here comes the part where we try to convince you that you need Sendspark… Well, it’s true!
Sendspark makes it ridiculously easy for you to create beautiful video emails. Whether those are quick videos for a single customers, or powerful videos to blast to your whole list, you can do it all with Sendspark.
And Sendspark works seamlessly with your existing email platform. You can easily create the video on Sendspark, and then share through your email platform of choice to integrate video into your current marketing campaigns.
See how easy it is to create videos that captivate your audience and convert new customers: get started with Sendspark for free.