Sendspark Blog > Loom vs. Vidyard: In-Depth Comparison 

Loom vs. Vidyard: In-Depth Comparison 

If you’re in sales, you’ve probably noticed that video platforms are gaining popularity. And you’ve probably heard of Loom and Vidyard.

As customers become increasingly expectant of personalization and wary of automated sales emails, videos are a great way to communicate your value proposition while also forming real human connections. Plus, videos are more attention-grabbing than text: 95% of video content is retained by viewers, while only 10% of text content is retained. 

Market conditions indicate that this isn’t just a trend; it’s a transformative shift in the way sales cycles are conducted. Take, for example, the Atlassian acquisition of Loom in 2023, with Atlassian co-founder and co-CEO calling async video “the next evolution of team collaboration.”

Or, consider how companies like Intercom have increased cold email open rates by 19% by including async videos. 

Use cases

Also, the many different use cases for video tool platforms must be taken into account. They can help you: 

  • Personalize your sales pitches: Craft personalized video messages that actually address your prospects' specific pain points or needs. By sharing content that speaks directly to them, you can increase engagement and drive conversions.
  • Give more holistic demos: Highlight product features and benefits through videos tailored to potential customers to add a more interactive visual element to your demos.
  • Make your follow-up more engaging: Send follow-up video messages after sales meetings or calls that reinforce your key points, nurture relationships, and keep the conversation going.
  • Provide client testimonials that feel authentic: Customers trust reviews from other customers, and a quick video client testimonial pops a whole lot more than a 5-star rating or a pull quote on your website. Ask satisfied customers to record a quick video sharing their experience — It will build trust and credibility with potential leads and bring the “real” to real-world success stories.
  • Talk your prospects through the nuances that separate you from your competitors: Create video content comparing your solution to competitors' offerings. This will allow you to highlight your product's unique value propositions and explain why those differences matter. 

In other words, video tools are a must-have in your sales tech stack. 

Two big names in the field are particularly recognizable: Loom and Vidyard. The two platforms are relatively comparable in capability and rank similarly when it comes to customer satisfaction.

For example, Loom boasts a 4.7 star rating on G2…

Loom G2 Review

Courtesy of G2

…while Vidyard follows close behind at 4.5.

Vidyard G2 Review

But understanding how the two differ is the key to knowing which option, if either, is right for you. 

So, how do these two video platforms actually compare to one another? And how do they rank when it comes to the must-have features you’re looking for? Let’s dive in.

Video Recording

Generally, Loom and Vidyard offer comparable video features. Each platform leverages a Chrome extension alongside desktop and iOS applications, which enable users to record 1:1 videos. 

Loom and Vidyard users alike who opt for the desktop app can record in up to 4K (depending on their pricing tier) or 1080p with Chrome. 

The “free” tier is where the two deviate the most. Volume-wise, the platforms are similar at this level, with both letting users record up to 25 videos. But Loom users need to keep their videos brief — users need to keep videos to a cool 5 minutes while Vidyard supports up to 30. Once they move up to a paid plan, however, users can record videos with no time constraints.  

User experience

The recording experience looks a bit like this:

Loom Recording Experience

Loom Recorder

Vidyard Recording Experience

Vidyard Recorder

As anyone who’s spoken into a camera can attest, the first take rarely makes the final cut. Loom and Vidyard have considered this, and both offer many editing tools and features. 

Loom Editing Features

Loom Editing

Vidyard Editing FeaturesVidyard Editing

Once the user is happy with their video and finished with editing, they instantly have access to a sharable link that can be shared or embedded in a personalized email or a LinkedIn message to a prospect. 

Feature Breakdown




Video quality

Up to 4K

Up to 4K

Screen recording

Screen capture

Video capture

Image editor

Video player

Profile channel

Background noise suppression

Speaker notes

Live streaming

Customizable thumbnails

Custom metadata


Frames and backgrounds

Video upload

Unlimited video storage

Video player customization


While there’s a slight deviance in the amount of integrations each company offers (Loom offers 49 integrations and Vidyard offers 59), both integrate with the most popular sales tools. 

This means that in addition to the basic link or embed sharing capabilities, sales professionals can integrate personalized videos directly into their existing workflows. 

For example: 

  • HubSpot: A  HubSpot integration allows users to embed personalized videos directly into their HubSpot workflows, including emails, templates, and sequences.
  • Gmail and Outlook: Integrations with Gmail and Outlook help users incorporate personalized videos directly into their email communications.
  • Salesforce: By integrating with Salesforce, Loom, and Vidyard enable their users to embed videos into Salesforce records and communications.
  • LinkedIn: Integrating with LinkedIn means that Loom and Vidyard users can bring personalized videos into their social selling motions.
  • Slack: Users can share videos directly within Slack, facilitating collaboration and communication among team members.

All of these integrations make for a more efficient, streamlined, and personalized sales process.

Sending Videos at Scale

Unfortunately, neither Loom nor Vidyard enables users to send videos en masse. 

This is a major hindrance for sales teams, limiting the efficiency both tools can bring to companies looking to scale revenue. 

If this is a priority for you, we recommend checking out some of the more sales-focused video tools. Sendspark, for example, allows users to mass-create hyper-personalized video emails directly within HubSpot (more on that later).  

Insights and Analytics

Both tools give users a behind-the-scenes look into how their videos are performing with extensive analytics. 


Loom's analytics allow users to track who has viewed their videos and for how long, helping them gauge audience engagement. The platform counts a view if a viewer watches for at least 5 seconds, 75% of the total duration, or until the end of the video, pushing view counts in real-time. 

Anonymous views are displayed when the viewer isn't logged into a Loom account. With the option to enable/disable analytics exclusive to Business and Enterprise plans, users can delve deeper into Engagement Insights, offering information on completion rates and call-to-action conversions.

Loom Analytics

Loom Analytics


Vidyard's analytics go beyond view counts, providing insights into viewer engagement and helping users identify the most effective videos for driving sales. Notifications alert users when their videos are watched, enabling personalized follow-ups. 

Dashboards offer a comprehensive view of video performance, including metrics on views and engagement, helping sales teams refine their video selling strategy. Integrations with CRMs like Salesforce and marketing automation platforms allow users to leverage video data for lead qualification, segmentation, and lead nurturing, ultimately turning viewer activity into tangible sales opportunities.

Vidyard Analytics

Vidyard Analytics


Now for the burning question that's probably already crossed your mind: How are Loom and Vidyard tapping into AI to level up their tools?

Loom is using AI to make the video creation process more efficient. They're doing this by bringing in AI to take care of the more tedious tasks (think generating share messages, embedding CTAs, and adding titles and summaries to videos). It even removes filler words and silences, meaning that users are able to say more in less time. 

On the other hand, Vidyard is focusing its attention on its AI Prospector tool. Prospector uses AI to write personalized outreach messages and automate email delivery. Users can identify decision-makers based on specific criteria like job title and company size. Vidyard also uses an AI Script Generator. Tailored specifically to the sales process, it helps users craft sales video scripts based on their prompts. Notably, this feature is available with their free plan (Loom's AI capabilities don't kick in until you're a paying customer).

But while scripts and the removal of tedium are great, the user must create each video individually if they want that personalization to shine through. Again, if volume is your primary goal, you might be better suited to a different tool that uses AI to send personalized emails at scale. In fact, we might have one that fits the bill…but more on that shortly.


Loom and Vidyard both offer a standard free plan. Loom offers two additional paid plans, while Vidyard offers three.

Free tier

Both companies offer a free plan for individuals just starting out. These plans include basic video recording, editing, and sharing capabilities. Both allow the user to record up to 25 videos. The primary difference between the two (as we discussed earlier) is the video length: Loom keeps free videos to 5 minutes, whereas Vidyard allocates 30.

Tier #2

At the next pricing tier, we have the Loom "Business plan" priced at $12.50 per month and the Vidyard "Pro plan" that costs $19 per month. With the "Business plan," you can get unlimited videos, recording lengths, and advanced features like Loom AI add-ons and password-protected videos. The "Pro plan" also includes unlimited videos, as well as real-time viewer insights, and customizable branding options.

Tier #2.5

Vidyard offers a "Plus plan" at $59 per month. It offers advanced features like full video analytics and customizable CTAs. There isn't a comparably priced option for Loom.

Tier #3

Finally, we have the Loom "Enterprise plan" and the Vidyard "Business plan." These tiers are aimed at companies looking to scale video usage heavily, and pricing is given upon request. 

Here’s a closer look at the pricing and features breakdown:

Loom Pricing

Loom Pricing

Vidyard Pricing

Vidyard pricing

Let’s Hear from the Public

Here’s what people have to say about the tools.


Loom Review 1

Loom Review 2

Loom Review 3

Loom Review 4


Vidyard Review 1

Vidyard Review 2Vidyard Review 3

Vidyard Review 4

Making Your Choice

Both Loom and Vidyard have several strong use cases that stand out: team collaboration, customer support, and instructional videos are some of the top. But one thing they both lack is scalability. 

Yes, they help individuals scale their workload by removing tedium and providing proactive support such as scripts. However, helping individuals scale is not the same thing as helping a team scale. And in a profession like sales, where the quality AND quantity of interactions are crucial, these tools frankly aren’t cutting it. 

Meet: Sendspark

Sendspark is built specifically for sales teams. If that’s not what you’re looking for, no problem. Some really strong tools (Loom and Vidyard being two) better serve non-sales functions.

But if that is what you’re looking for, we might be a good fit.

Here’s how it works

Basically, users can utilize the dynamic personalization tokens you're probably familiar with from sales emails such as , , and that pull in each viewer's information.

Sendspark Video Recorder

Once a user has recorded a video, they have the option to "Share with Personalization" via HubSpot Sales Hub. This action will generate a HubSpot video snippet that can be added to a HubSpot email template. Whether the video is being sent via direct emails to customers, using Gmail or Outlook with the HubSpot Chrome Extension, or being incorporated into sequences, the personalization tokens will automatically populate with each recipient's information.

This helps prospects generate personalized videos at scale.

We’re clearly biased, so take a look at what some other people have to say:

What are your top three priorities for a video tool platform? Let’s see if we’re a good fit. Sign up here for free!

Mask group Sendspark is video for sales, that scales! Get started with Sendspark to scale your outreach, build stronger relationships, and communicate better with leads and customers. Get Free Trial

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