Sendspark Blog > Per Our Conversation | When to Use + 11 Alternative Phrases

Per Our Conversation | When to Use + 11 Alternative Phrases

Sales is all about building relationships with prospective customers. And that starts with good communication! 

“Per our conversation” is a common phrase to reference a previous meeting… But is it really the best way to follow up? Let’s explore what that phrase means, its unsaid connotations, and alternative language that might be more appropriate for your goals. 

What does “per our conversation” mean?

“Per our conversation” is a polite phrase that salespeople use when following up in an email after a meeting. 

When to use “per our conversation” in email?

The phrase “per our conversation” is commonly used in a follow up email after a phone or Zoom conversation. You might be following up after a sales call, customer check in, or job interview. It is a good way to begin an email. It signals to the recipient that you want to bring up something that was discussed previously. This gives the recipient an opportunity to think back to the conversation and ensures that you both remember the same thing. It also sets the stage for you to reference something specific from the conversation.

You can write “per our conversation” in these two situations:

1. Delivering action items

If you have recently met with a prospective customer, and on the call promised them follow up items (like customer examples, case studies, pricing information, or anything) it is polite to follow up with an email saying “Per our conversation, I am delivering on these items…” and attach the follow up items. 

"per our conversation" example 1

2. Requesting action items

Similarly, if the prospective customer your have spoken with promised you some information or follow up items, it is appropriate to follow up in an email with a formal request, such as “Per our conversation, I am looking forward to seeing” (and then list off the items). This is a helpful way of reminding your prospective customer what you need from them, so they don’t have to go through their own notes, or struggle to remember what they said. 

"per our conversation" example 2

Is “per our Conversation” grammatically correct?

Yes. The phrase “per our conversation” or “As per our conversation” is a grammatically correct way to reference a previous conversation. It is formal, polite, and commonly used in professional communication. 

When to use an alternative phrase for “per our conversation”

Even though the phrase is grammatically correct, you might want to consider using an alternative for a few reasons: 

  • Use a different tone or voice. You might want to use something a little lighter or casual in your conversation. 
  • You’re requesting something. If you are are the one sending the follow up items, saying “per our conversation” is very polite and respectful. However, if you are asking for items, from either a prospect or a client, or an employee, you might want to use a less direct phrase to avoid coming off accusatory.
  • You’ve said it too many times. Like any phrase, you don’t want to overuse it, or it will seem generic. 

What is another way to say “per our conversation?”

There are many great alternative phrases for “per our conversation.” As you evaluate which alternative to use, think about which one is best for your recipient. After all, communication is about making sure they understand your meaning. 

The best 9 alternative phrases for “per our conversation” are:

1. As agreed

Like “per our conversation,” this references your previous conversation and is very clear and direct. However it is a little less formal and jargon-y. 

2. As per your request

This sounds a little less demanding and more subservient. You’re not telling them to do something you want, but rather, you’re fulfilling their wishes and demands. 

3. As promised

“As promised” is a gentle combination of the first two. It’s both conversational and subservient. You’re happily delivering on their wishes and moving the relationship forward. 

4. Last time we spoke

This references your previous conversation but seems much more natural. Would you say “per our last conversation” out loud? Probably not. It’s much more likely you would say “last time we spoke” or “when we were talking last.”

5. As per the contract

With this phrase, you’re taking it up a notch. You’re not just alluding to a previous conversation, you’re referencing a specific action. This is a much more assertive alternative. 

6. In line with what we discussed

This is a different way of saying “per our conversation,” that’s just as formal. You might want to say this for similar reasons, but just to avoid overusing the original phrase. 

7. I wanted to follow up on what you were saying

Using “I wanted” in your email can be a polite way for someone more junior to follow up with someone more senior. At some point in your career, you want to drop the extra words and be more direct, but if you are trying to both show respect to a senior and keep your tone conversational, this is a nice way to get the same point across. 

8. As I said

This is a super natural way of writing “per our conversation.” The tradeoff is that is is less professional. However, if you are comfortable with the person you’re communicating with, it might be a better alternative. 

9. Do you still want to…

This is an impactful alternative because you’re reminding your prospective client not just what was said in your previous conversation, but also what the end goal is. This is extra likely to spur action because they remember why they care to begin with. 

10. Did you have a chance to…

This alternative phrase to “per our conversation” recognizes that you’re recipient is busy. It is a simple, gentle way to remind them to take the actions you originally spoke about. 

11. I recall you mentioned wanting to…

Finally, this phrase is another gentle, respectful way to reference your previous conversation and remind your recipient to take the next steps you discussed. 

Wrapping up

In sales, words have meaning. It’s important to use the right phrases that are going to make a good impression in all of your communication – whether you’re writing an email, speaking out loud, or sending a video. 

Check out other resources for crafting great emails…

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