Sendspark Blog > Power Words for Sales: Boost Conversions with Persuasive Language

Power Words for Sales: Boost Conversions with Persuasive Language

Have you ever bought a product that was recommended by experts? What about limited-time offers; special deals; premium packages? Have you ever bought a product sold under any of these labels? 

If you’re like most people, the answer’s “yes”. 

Here’s what you may not realize. All these offers use power words: an old, proven concept in both sales and marketing. These words, when used at the right time, persuade; build trust; overcome objections. 

In the past, power words were mostly used by marketers. But today, with the rise of remote sales - 3 in 4 buyers now prefer to make decisions online - they are increasingly used by salespeople. 

That’s because selling online gives you a lot more opportunities to use power words strategically. Email body text; asynchronous videos and video landing pages; pre-written video scripts. Assets like these make it easy to use power words the right way. 

And today, we’re help to help you do just that. Read on to find 100 of our favorite power words to improve your sales today. We’ll also give you the science behind power words to help you understand how they work. 

But first, let’s go over key takeaways! 

Key Takeaways

  • Power words evoke emotions and emphasize your offer’s value. They can help close deals and retain customers. 
  • Enriching your vocabulary with power words can improve sales performance. Scripts and content with power words tends to perform better. 
  • Using power words in subject lines, on-screen captions, and spoken text can help drive more business. 
  • Use the power words on this page to enrich scripts and content - including scripts made with our free Video Script Generator

The Science Behind Power Words

Emotionally charged words can capture a customer's attention and influence their actions. These power words are not just a gimmick; they’re rooted in cognitive neuroscience and psychological research. For example…

  1. Studies have shown that specific words can light up the amygdala, the emotional center of the brain. Using power words can elicit a specific emotional response that helps you sell your product.
  2. A study by Ellen Langer found that simply using the word “because” got people to comply with requests more often. This worked even when there was no real explanation for a request. 
  3. Incorporating words like "exclusive," "limited," and "guaranteed" into copy consistently increases conversion rates

That being said, it’s ultimately what you say; how you say it is important but secondary. Exaggeration or misrepresentation can backfire, causing distrust. Even the best power words can’t overcome weak marketing or sales processes. 

100 Power Words to Influence Purchase Decisions

In the world of sales, the words you use can impact your customer's relationship with you. Using the 100 power words below can help close deals, retain customers, and drive referrals. 

The power words are categorized across Dr Robert Cialdini’s six principles of persuasion. A seventh bonus section addresses handling objections. 

For optimal results, use power words together with remote selling best practices - like knowing your prospect and creating video content

15 Power Words for Reciprocity

Using the words below triggers reciprocity. They can make your customers feel special or favored; they can also show that you took extra care to craft your product for them. This, in turn, elicits feelings of wanting to reciprocate. The words we’ll cover are: 

  1. Complimentary
  2. Generous
  3. Offer
  4. Bonus
  5. Gift
  6. Exclusive
  7. Limited-time
  8. Special
  9. Unique
  10. Customized
  11. Priority
  12. Upgraded
  13. Premium
  14. Handpicked
  15. Tailored
  1. Complimentary

Saying the word "complimentary" stirs a sense of gaining something without any financial obligations. It speaks directly to the customer's sense of value and appreciation, subtly nudging them closer to a commitment.

  1. Generous

Deploying "generous" in your pitch paints a picture of magnanimity. This isn't just a good deal; it's a generous one. It suggests that the customer is not just getting a standard offer but something special and valuable.

  1. Offer

"Offer" carries a promise of value. It raises a question - "What's in it for me?" - and the prospect leans in, curious to learn more about how they might benefit.

  1. Bonus

Everyone loves getting more than they bargained for. "Bonus" points to additional value on top of the primary proposition. It feels like a win, an extra reward for making a choice, which can help close a deal. 

  1. Gift

"Gift" introduces an element of surprise and gratitude. It's personal, thoughtful, and creates a connection. It suggests the customer is not just another number, but someone special deserving a token of appreciation.

  1. Exclusive

"Exclusive" suggests that what's being offered isn't available to just anyone. It's special, reserved, and offers a sense of privilege to those who access it. This triggers a feeling of reciprocity; since you are treating the prospect as special, you deserve the same in return. 

  1. Limited-time

"Limited-time" tells the customer that there's a narrow window to act. This adds pressure to make a decision sooner rather than later. It also emphasizes that an offer is rare, special, and - to some degree - exclusive. 

  1. Special

The word "Special" presents something as out of the ordinary. It's a treat, something different from the norm. 

  1. Unique

When you offer something "Unique", it means there's nothing else quite like your offer. It stands alone in its category, unmatched and unparalleled. You took extra care to create and offer it to your prospect. 

  1. Customized

"Customized" tells the customer that an offer is tailored to their specific needs or preferences. This makes it personally relevant to them. It also indicates that you applied extra effort to creating the offer. 

  1. Priority

When a customer hears the word "priority", they feel that they are place above others. This adds a sense of importance and urgency to your product. It can also be used to highlight your awareness of a key need, want, or pain point. 

  1. Upgraded

"Upgraded" refers to an improved version of a product or a feature add-on. It signals to the customer they are getting a product or service that is better than usual.

  1. Premium

"Premium" shows superior quality or value. It's not just regular; it's top-of-the-line. It was made with special care and warrants more attention than “plain” equivalents. 

  1. Handpicked

Customers associate the word "Handpicked" with selectiveness and care. The word suggests that the best quality product or service was chosen for a prospect’s attention.

  1. Tailored

"Tailored" adds to the idea that a product or service has been designed or adjusted to fit the customer's preferences.


15 Power Words for Consistency

Consistency creates trust - and people like buying form brands they trust. Use the power words below to create feelings of consistency for your products and offers. The words we’ll cover are: 

  1. Reliable
  2. Proven
  3. Tested
  4. Stable
  5. Guaranteed
  6. Steady
  7. Solid
  8. Trustworthy
  9. Established
  10. Accurate
  11. Predictable
  12. Authentic
  13. Enduring
  14. Impartial
  15. Unwavering


  1. Reliable

A product or service described as reliable delivers a consistent experience they can rely on. This is very important, especially in today's fast-changing world full of inconsistencies.

  1. Proven

Using "proven" refers to the track record of a product or service. It tells potential buyers that yours is a tested offer. Your product has consistently shown its value in real-life scenarios - and is therefore to be trusted. 

  1. Tested

When you use the word "tested", you draw attention to the work done in making sure a product is trustworthy. It shows that a product or service has been studied, has proved itself, and has only then been offered. 

  1. Stable

"Stable" offers reassurance in its simplicity. Stability is a sought-after quality in a fast paced world. The word promises customers that a product or service won't change or fail to meet their expectations. Rather, it will remain steady.

  1. Guaranteed

When customers hear “guaranteed”, they know there’s a commitment backing your offer. This gives them confidence in purchasing. The word isn’t just a reassurance or an embellishment; it’s a promise that is usually backed by law. 

  1. Steady

Audiences looking for consistency like the word "steady". It's an ideal word for salespeople who want to express that a product is uniform and reliable. This makes it a good choice for industries where reliability is crucial.

  1. Solid

"Solid" signals that a product is without gaps or weaknesses. It's a term you can use to suggest a product is well developed and without major flaws. It's an ideal word to gain an advantage over less reliable competitors.

  1. Trustworthy

"Trustworthy" can position a brand as open and honest. These are qualities which are increasingly important in today's risky, fast-paced business environment. It gives a personal, human-first feeling to your offer and brand. 

  1. Established

New businesses enter competitive markets every day. "Established" shows your audience that you're the exception; a consistent business that has been around for a while. Using this term can give your campaign an edge over new businesses.

  1. Accurate

"Accurate" underscores precision, which is especially important in industries like tech and finance. You can use the power word to highlight the technical quality of a product and reassure potential customers that it's reliable.

  1. Predictable

For products that promise consistent results, "predictable" can be a good selling point. It makes clients feel confident in forecasting future outcomes. This makes it a valuable term in finance or software-as-a-service (SaaS).

  1. Authentic

In a market filled with imitation products, "authentic" can set a brand apart. It's a strong word for marketers and salespeople trying to underscore innovation. It's especially effective in fashion or art - but also works in other industries.

  1. Enduring

"Enduring" tells a customer a brand or product will last for a while. This term refers to durability, staying power, and prolonged use. It's a valuable key word when selling electronics or home appliances.

  1. Impartial

In industries where bias can be a concern, "impartial" can be a central selling point. You can use the word to highlight that a product or service is fair, consistent, and trustworthy. 

  1. Unwavering

For brands that want to show their commitment, the word "unwavering" is a great choice. It shows constant dedication, which is important - especially when customer support, or other types of support, are required. 


15 Power Words for Social Proof

Social proof helps customers feel that others trust your product or service. It can also emphasize that your offer is valued highly, lifting perceived value. The words we’ll cover are: 

  1. Popular
  2. Recommended
  3. Best-selling
  4. Verified
  5. Five-star
  6. Endorsed
  7. Top-rated
  8. Well-reviewed
  9. Testimonials
  10. Experts
  11. Certified
  12. Trending
  13. Trusted
  14. User-friendly
  15. Influencer


  1. Popular

When a product or service is called "Popular", it means it is widely accepted. Marketers use this word to show that a large number of customers have already made the same choice. This can make new buyers feel more comfortable.

  1. Recommended

"Recommended" shows that a product or service has a seal of approval, often from peers or experts. You can use this word to highlight their products' endorsements. It shows that those who've tried a product or service vouch for its value.

  1. Best-selling

When something is labelled as "Best-selling", it signals a product or service has consistently performed well in the market. It is an inherent form of social proof; others have tried it, liked it, and choose to buy it consistently. 

  1. Verified

"Verified" provides an extra layer of authenticity to your offer. It’s a way to ensure customers that claims about the product or service have been confirmed. It is implied that the verification comes from a reliable third party. 

  1. Five-star

A "Five-star" rating is the best rating in many review formats. This term shows that most users thought the product or service was of excellent quality. As with “best-selling”, this inherently tells prospects that a product has been deemed valuable by peers or experts. 

  1. Endorsed

"Endorsed" goes beyond customer reviews. It shows that popular organizations or individuals see a product's value. This gives extra weight to its credibility, especially if the endorsing entity is prestigious.

  1. Top-rated

Being "Top-rated" means that a product or service performs the best among its competitors. It shows superior quality and customer satisfaction compared to similar products or services.

  1. Well-reviewed

A "Well-reviewed" product has stood the test of customer scrutiny. With this label, potential buyers can rest assured that many others find the product satisfactory or even exceptional.

  1. Testimonials

"Testimonials" are genuine stories of user experiences. They allow potential buyers to imagine their own experience with a product or service.

  1. Experts

When something is backed by "Experts", it's held to a higher standard. Marketers use this term to show that knowledgeable professionals see value in their product or service. In this sense, “Experts” works well when paired with power words like “Verified” or “Endorsed”. 

  1. Certified

"Certified" is all about meeting set benchmarks. It's a guarantee that the product or service adheres to specific standards, ensuring consistency and reliability for the customer.

  1. Trending

If something is "Trending", it's currently popular with others. This term tells potential customers that the product or service is up-to-date, relevant, and worth their attention. Others are interested in it to the point it is trending. 

  1. Trusted

A "Trusted" brand comes with a history of positive feedback and successful outcomes. Use the word to showcase a consistent track record of meeting or exceeding customer expectations. Also a good way to show consistency. 

  1. User-friendly

A "User-friendly" product or service promises a smooth experience. It suggests easy integration or use, saving customers time and potential frustration. The implication is that a service has already been tested by other users - who like it. 

  1. Influencer

The term "Influencer" taps into modern digital culture. When an influencer endorses a product, it's seen as a nod from a trusted figure, potentially swaying their vast audience. This strongly depends on the exact influencer used! 


15 Power Words for Authority

Establishing authority in your field can increase your credibility. This can smooth the sales process and make sales messaging more effective. Use the words below to establish yourself as an expert, making it easier to sell your product or service.

  1. Expert

"Expert" assures customers that they're consulting or purchasing from someone who has mastered their field. It positions you and your brand as credible sources of information.

  1. Leader

In a saturated market, being labeled a "Leader" positions a brand or product at the forefront of its industry. Customers feel confident knowing they're engaging with a trendsetter that others often follow.

  1. Professional

The word "Professional" provides a two-fold promise: consistent quality and an adherence to industry standards. It indicates that customers will be handled with a level of seriousness and decorum expected from top-tier entities.

  1. Master

Signifying a high level of proficiency, "Master" suggests that a brand or individual has achieved peak proficiency in their niche. For customers, it's an assurance of superior quality and expertise.

  1. Experienced

"Experienced" shows that a brand has weathered various scenarios, learned from them, and honed its offerings over time. It is a testament to longevity and consistent performance. 

  1. Knowledgeable

“Knowledge” is a word that indicates a deep and comprehensive understanding of a topic or field. It’s a promise of getting goods and services backed by extensive research and practical know-how.

  1. Accredited

"Accredited" shows that a third-party body, trusted in the industry, has given its stamp of approval. It is an assurance of quality and adherence to set benchmarks. It is synonymous with authority, especially in niches like medicine and finance. 

  1. Renowned

Building a good name takes time. "Renowned" means many people know about a brand or offer. It also suggests that a product has always been top-notch or better than expected.

  1. Proficient

"Proficient" means having great skill and quickness. It tells customers that tasks are done well and accurately. It also suggests that the brand behind a product has a high degree of expertise and know-how.

  1. Skilled

"Skilled" means being really good at something, often from a lot of practice. It shows that a brand or person can do outstanding work because they've learned and practiced for a long time.

  1. Authority

When customers want the latest information or standards, they turn to niche authorities. This is why the word "Authority" suggests that a brand is both informed and skilled at what they do. 

  1. Certified

"Certified" assures customers that a product or service has passed strict industry standards. This guarantees its authenticity and quality. It also means that trustworthy specialists stand behind it. 

  1. Prestigious

When something is referred to "Prestigious", it's implied that it’s held in high regard. It stamps a product or service as exceptional, making it shine brighter than others. 

  1. Elite

"Elite" is the cream of the crop. When customers see this, they know they're getting a top-tier product or experience, one that's best in class. They also know that the team and brand behind a product is a cut above what else is available. 

  1. Unrivaled

This word tells customers they can be confident there's nothing else quite like the product they’re getting. It’s high-quality, it’s to be trusted, and it’s made by outstanding teams and individuals. 

15 Power Words for Liking

Customers are more likely to buy from a brand they like. Applying these power words to your brand can help you make a connection and build rapport with prospects quickly. 

  1. Friendly

In sales, "Friendly" shows that a brand values kindness and good relations. This means customers can look forward to warm, pleasant interactions. This helps build a good feeling about a brand.

  1. Genuine

With so much misinformation today, this word emphasizes honest and transparent practices. It helps the brand stand out from the rest. It also implies that the brand keeps human values, like trust and warmth, top-of-mind in internal operations. 

  1. Personal

Brands that highlight a "Personal" touch show they care about each customer. They suggest that every service or product is made with the consumer's unique needs in mind. There is also the promise of 1-to-1 interactions if support is needed. 

  1. Approachable

If a brand is sold as "Approachable," it's implied to be open and friendly. Customers can feel free to give feedback or ask questions, knowing they'll be listened to.

  1. Warm

Using "Warm" says that each customer is important, valued, and treated with personal warmth. This encourages customers to consider a brand and their offer, especially if positioning is a niche is generally impersonal. 

  1. Inspiring

The term "Inspiring" speaks to big ideas and fresh thinking. Using this word can spark excitement and get people to consider new options and ways of doing things. 

  1. Supportive

"Supportive" promises you’ll be there for your customers. It implies good customer service and a real desire to see customers thrive. Most importantly, it tells customers you’ll think about them long after they’ve bought from you. 

  1. Empathetic

An empathetic brand understands its customers' emotions and needs. It wants customers to know they're seen and heard. Saying your brand is empathetic in sales says you care for, and value, customers and partners. 

  1. Trusting

In sales positioning, "Trusting" is about fostering an environment where customers feel trusted. This can mean strong customer support, always giving the benefit of the doubt, or simply paying attention to customers’ words and viewpoints. 

  1. Collaborative

A brand that's "Collaborative" works in close collaboration with its customers. It's open to working together constructively - for example, through accepting feedback with humility or proactively offering suggestions.

  1. Charismatic

In a competitive market, “Charismatic” hints at a unique allure that draws customers in and keeps them engaged. When referring to the prospect as opposed to a brand, it implies that customers (and potential customers) are high-value and attractive. 

  1. Attentive

“Attentive" says you do more than hear; you act. Attentive brands focus on meeting the customers' needs and always seek ways to serve them even better. Promising to be attentive while selling says you invest time and energy into customer success. 

  1. Passionate

"Passionate" implies a deep belief in your offer, product, or organization. When used earnestly, this word’s energy can spread and get customers excited too.

  1. Motivating

The word "Motivating" implies action and energy. Whether it's through compelling storytelling or irresistible offers, it drives audiences towards a specific goal. For example, “motivating results” in a case study point to something galvanizing. 

  1. Confident

A "Confident" brand knows its worth. This self-assuredness can translate to trustworthiness in customers' eyes and get them more inclined to engage with the brand.


15 Power Words for Scarcity

Creating a sense of scarcity can make customers feel the need to act fast. Use these words to create some FOMO while conveying urgency and limited availability.

  1. Limited

"Limited" is shorthand for exclusive, unavailable, and high-value. It often prompts potential buyers to close their purchase while they still can. The word is synonymous with phrases like “first come, first served”. 

  1. Rare

A product described as "Rare" stands out. It exudes uniqueness and suggests limited availability.

  1. Urgent

The term "Urgent" creates an immediate sense of action. It suggests that any delay might lead to missed opportunities. 

  1. Time-sensitive

"Time-sensitive" implies urgency and encourages prompt action from customers. 

  1. Deadline

"Deadline" provides clarity by indicating the end of an opportunity or offer. This emphasizes the need for quick decisions.

  1. Last chance

"Last chance" harnesses the fear of missing out to urge a faster response. 

  1. Expires

An "Expires" label comes with an end date. It's a subtle nudge, indicating that the clock is ticking on a particular offer. 

  1. Only

"Only" in context, e.g. as "Only 5 remaining", indicates scarcity. It's a hint of limited availability, suggesting a need for prompt action. The word can also be used to limit time, e.g. “Only today!”

  1. Almost gone

"Almost gone" plays on the scarcity principle. It tells customers that many have already taken action and they might be left out if they don't act soon.

  1. Exclusive

"Exclusive" speaks to a select audience. It promotes the idea that the offer or product is not available to the general public. This creates an allure of being part of a privileged group.

  1. Closing

"Closing" signals the end of an offer or opportunity. For potential buyers on the fence, it's a reminder to make a decision before it's too late.

  1. Countdown

A "Countdown" creates visual urgency. Whether it's for an event, sale, or product launch, it provides a tangible timeframe in an attempt to drive immediate actions.

  1. Scarce

"Scarce" goes beyond limited; it implies rarity. The term elevates the perceived value of a product or offer.

  1. While supplies last

This phrase is clear-cut. It encourages customers to act quickly, as the offer might not return once stocks deplete.

  1. Hard-to-find

Like “rare” and “scarce”, “hard-to-find” lets prospects know the product they’re considering is not widely available. It presses for an immediate decision. 

Bonus: 10 Power Words for Handling Objections

Anticipating and addressing customer objections is a crucial part of the sales process. Use these power words to allay concerns and close more sales.

  1. Understand
  2. Concern
  3. Objection
  4. Solution
  5. Address
  6. Reassure
  7. Explain
  8. Resolve
  9. Overcome
  10. Unveil
  • Understand

"Understand" shows customers that their thoughts are valued. It signifies that a brand listens and wants to meet their needs. It is an instant way to say, “we hear you and we empathize”. 

  • Concern

Using "Concern" indicates being on top of challenges and issues. It suggests a brand is already aware of customers' challenges and preparing to address them. It also shows that the brand empathizes to the point of feeling genuine concern. 

  • Objection

Mentioning an "Objection" a prospect has displays transparency. It communicates acknowledgment of potential problems and an openness to discussing them. It says you understand why your prospect is concerned, and ready to talk about it. 

  • Solution

Presenting a "Solution" directly addresses challenges. It indicates that there are thought-out responses ready in response to customers' issues.

  • Address

Promising to “address” an issue means accepting and confronting it directly. It displays a commitment to clear communication and a promise of rectifying problems.

  • Reassure

"Reassure" is a word of comfort. It communicates to customers that their concerns are recognized and that the brand plans to address them. 

  • Explain

"Explain" promises clarity. It says further details are forthcoming, helping customers understand a situation or problem.

  • Resolve

Promising to "Resolve" signifies taking action in the face of a problem, issue, or concern. It's a commitment to rectifying issues ensuring a smooth experience for the customer.

  • Overcome

"Overcome" suggests that no challenge is too big, and that an organization is equipped to handle obstacles. It acknowledges a concern, but also says you have a way to negate it. 

  • Unveil

"Unveil" brings an element of surprise. It suggests there's more to discover and invites customers to explore benefits or features of a product. This can help overcome objections my adding more value to your offer.


In sales, using power words can help you close more deals. It can also improve the performance of your collateral - get more video completions, whitepaper opens, email clicks, etc. 

The main reasons power words are especially important now? 

  1. With the rise of asynchronous sales, there’s more on-screen real estate than ever before. You can add power words to emails, on-screen headlines and text, and more. 
  2. Asynchronous sales mean you can plan your sales materials - from asynchronous videos to sales calls - in advance. This makes it a lot easier to use appropriate power words. 

It doesn’t matter if you’re an agency, a SaaS brand, or something else entirely. These words work. 

One way to start using them in your async communications? Our video recording tool: Sendspark. With Sendspark, you can easily create videos for outbound marketing campaigns, async sales conversations, and other channels. 

To see how easy it is to use our software, sign up for a free trial here. See you on the other side! 

Mask group Sendspark is video for sales, that scales! Get started with Sendspark to scale your outreach, build stronger relationships, and communicate better with leads and customers. Get Started Now

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