Sendspark Blog > Common Sales Objections (and How to Overcome Them)

Common Sales Objections (and How to Overcome Them)

Most customers say “no” multiple times before saying “yes” (Hubspot). That’s how common sales objections are. 

Meanwhile, half of all sales reps don’t even make a single follow-up call after running into an objection. This means that objections - and failing to overcome them - is one of the main reasons sales fall through. 

But the finest salespeople are not just persuasive; they're astute listeners, empathetic communicators, and adept problem solvers. They recognize that every objection is a window into a client's mindset, often revealing deeper needs or reservations. 

The question is, how do you recognize objections? And how do you overcome them effectively using modern technology? 

Here at Sendspark, the video recording solution for sales teams, we have the answers. Read on as we delve into the art and science of handling sales objections. We’ll cover the 4 common objection categories, strategies for overcoming them, and more. 

Key Takeaways

  • Acknowledge and listen to the customer's concerns.
  • Show empathy and understanding.
  • Ask clarifying questions to gain a deeper understanding of the objection.
  • Provide relevant information or solutions to address the objection.
  • Anticipate objections and prepare proactive responses.
  • Stay calm, positive, and focused on the benefits and solutions you can provide.
  • Collaborate with the customer and offer risk-free trials or guarantees to build trust.

What is a Sales Objection?

A sales objection is a concern or hesitation that prevents a potential customer from purchasing. These objections can arise at any point during the sales process.

On one hand, an objection is a barrier to a completed sale. On the other hand, it’s an opportunity for a salesperson to address customer concerns and provide additional information. Learning from objections can drive sales success over time

It is important to note that objections are not always negative. They often relay new information about a customer's needs, preferences, and concerns. By actively listening to objections and addressing them effectively, sales professionals can improve performance. 

What is Objection Handling?

Objection handling is the process of addressing and resolving customer concerns and objections. It involves active listening, empathy, and providing persuasive responses. Handling objections can lead to improved customer relationships, and more sales.

Handling Objections Remotely with Video

In remote scenarios, salespeople miss out on non-verbal cues that often give away a client's reservations. Also, real-time pressure, which can sometimes help sway decisions in a face-to-face environment, is often absent. That’s because a lot of the remote sales process happens asynchronously

Personalized video answers offers a solution to some of these challenges. With video, representatives can create personalized video messages that bring a touch of face-to-face sincerity. This can even preemptively address potential objections, offering clarity and building rapport. 

Another benefit of using video? You can re-use them to address common objections. This can help you streamline sales with canned content, and eventually pave the way for product-led cadences. 

To start responding to objections using video, for free, install Sendspark today. We’ll give you a suite of free video recording tools, free hosting, and other goodies! 

4 Common Types of Sales Objections

While the root cause of objections may vary, they can generally be categorized into four main types:


Customers may perceive the cost of a product or service as too high. Alternatively, they may believe they can find a comparable solution at a cheaper price.

It's not merely the sticker price that's at issue. Often, customers weigh the value they receive against the price they pay. A price objection might stem from a lack of perceived value rather than the actual cost.

To overcome the objection, highlight the long-term benefits and value your product or service brings. Break down the cost components to show where their money is going. Offering flexible payment terms or showcasing a cost-benefit analysis can also help bridge the perceived value gap.


Customers may doubt how closely the product or service aligns with their needs, questioning its features, functionality, or compatibility.

Modern customers are well-informed, making them discerning about what they want. Their objection may come from a gap in their understanding or specific unmet needs.

To overcome the objection, offer personalized demonstrations, trials, or piloted implementations. Help clients see firsthand how the offering fills their needs, addressing concerns directly and illustrating the product's adaptability to their specific requirements.


With multiple options available, customers often compare and contrast, questioning the superiority of one product over another.

In today's connected age, competitors are just a click away. Salespeople need to be well-prepared with what sets their product apart in a crowded market.

To address this objection, understand your competitors but focus on your strengths. Emphasize unique selling propositions, exclusive features, or superior after-sales support that competitors may lack.


Especially with new or less-known businesses, potential clients may doubt the credibility or reliability of the company.

Trust isn't just about the product; it's about the company, its reputation, and its track record.

To gain trust, offer transparency. Showcase case studies, customer testimonials, or industry accolades. Consider offering guarantees or trial periods, and always be open to addressing concerns head-on.

How to Handle Sales Objections

Now that we have a better understanding of common sales objections, let’s explore some strategies for effectively handling them:

Active Listening

When a prospect raises an objection, listen attentively to their concerns and refrain from interrupting. It's tempting to jump in with a solution immediately, but taking the time to listen can reveal deeper insights. 

By allowing them to express their thoughts fully, you demonstrate respect and establish a foundation for effective objection handling. This act not only nurtures the client-salesperson relationship but also provides clearer insights into the customer's pain points, making your eventual response more targeted and impactful.


Demonstrate understanding and empathy towards a customer's concerns. As they share their reservations, try to visualize the scenario from their perspective. Acknowledge their point of view and let them know that their opinion is valued. 

By doing so, you're not just addressing the immediate objection, but also building a deeper bond. This helps to build trust, assures the customer that they're in a safe space, and creates a collaborative atmosphere where solutions can be co-created.

Ask Clarifying Questions

To gain a deeper understanding of the objection, ask open-ended questions. Instead of making assumptions, give prospects the space to dive deeper into their concerns. This allows them to elaborate on their concerns and bring underlying issues to light. 

By asking questions, you can tailor your response to a customer’s specific needs. This ensures they feel seen and understood, paving the way for a more tailored solution.

Provide Information and Solutions

Once you have a clear understanding of the objection, provide relevant information or solutions that address the customer's concerns. This might involve explaining the value proposition, sharing testimonials, or offering alternative options. Create video emails using Sendspark as a way to provide additional information in an engaging way. 

Anticipate and Prepare

Lastly, always be one step ahead. Familiarize yourself with common objections in your industry to proactively address them before they arise. By doing this, not only do you demonstrate expertise, but you also show that you value the customer's time and concerns. 

Being prepared with data, success stories, or quick demonstrations can make all the difference, leaving customers feeling reassured and confident in both the product and the person selling it.

Examples of Objection Handling

Here are a few examples of common sales objections and potential responses you could use: 

Objection: "Your price is too high."
Response: Start by acknowledging the customer's concern and then highlight the value and benefits they will receive. Show how your product or service is worth the investment in terms of quality, durability, or long-term savings.

Objection: "I need to think about it."
Response: Express understanding and agree that it's important for the customer to make an informed decision. Offer additional information, such as case studies or customer success stories, to help them weigh the pros and cons.

Objection: "I'm already working with your competitor."
Response: Emphasize the unique advantages and added value you can offer compared to competitors. Showcase any superior features, exceptional customer service, or testimonials from clients.

4 Main Objection Handling Skills

The main ways to handle objections are…

Active Listening

It’s crucial to not just hear, but genuinely listen to a customer's concerns. Pay close attention to their words and tone, and ask clarifying questions to understand any underlying issues or unspoken hesitations. 

This proactive approach not only ensures a customer feels valued and heard but also provides the salesperson with invaluable insights. It allows for a deeper understanding of the customer's needs and concerns, helping the salesperson tailor their responses better.


Empathy goes beyond just understanding. It's about feeling what the customer feels. Salespeople should strive to put themselves in the customer's shoes, gauging the emotions and motivations behind any objections. 

By showing genuine empathy, a salesperson can bridge the gap of uncertainty, establishing a stronger rapport with the customer. It's this connection that often transforms potential deal-breakers into a constructive dialogue that still ends with sales made.


Being persuasive isn't about pressuring a client but about guiding them. Sales professionals should arm themselves with comprehensive product knowledge, compelling arguments, and real-world examples that directly address potential objections. 

By highlighting the unique benefits and value that a product or service offers, they can align solutions with the customer's needs, alleviating concerns.


Every customer's concern is valid from their viewpoint. Dismissing or sidestepping their objections can be detrimental to the sales relationship. It's imperative to acknowledge their perspective genuinely. 

Recognizing their concerns shows respect and opens the door for deeper trust. Instead of viewing objections as hurdles, see them as opportunities for further discussion, clarification, and negotiation. Remember, each objection is a chance to refine your offering, making it more attuned to the customer's needs.

Bonus Tips to Help You Overcome Any Objection

While it's impossible to predict every objection you might encounter, there are some general tips you can also implement:

  • Stay Calm and Positive. Maintain a calm and positive demeanor throughout the conversation. This helps to build trust and confidence in your abilities.
  • Focus on Benefits and Solutions. Highlight the specific benefits and solutions your product or service offers. Show how it can contribute to the customer's goals, solve their problems, or improve their productivity.
  • Share Success Stories. Share stories of satisfied customers with similar concerns who ultimately found value in your offering. This showcases real-world results and helps the customer visualize a positive outcome. Sendspark’s video emails can help you send personalized campaigns that focus on success stories. 
  • Offer a Risk-Free Trial or Guarantee. To alleviate concerns related to trust or uncertainty, offer a risk-free trial period or a satisfaction guarantee. This allows the customer to experience the product or service firsthand without committing.

If possible, give yourself a pause before replying to an objection. This is easiest to do when you’re using asynchronous sales tools, like Sendspark, to respond at your own leisure. For more information, click here

In Closing

Sales objections, far from being roadblocks, are pivotal touchpoints that offer a deeper dive into the customer's mindset. They illuminate uncharted needs, fears, and aspirations. By honing skills such as active listening, empathy, and persuasion, today's sales professionals can not only address these objections but also fortify customer relationships.

Harnessing tools like Sendspark further amplifies the potential to bridge communication gaps. Personalized video messages have the power to recreate the intimacy of face-to-face interactions, even in an asynchronous selling environment. 

These tools, when paired with effective objection handling skills, pave the way for higher conversion rates and more meaningful customer relationships.

Remember, every objection is an invitation for further dialogue, a chance to redefine value, and an opportunity to make a lasting impact. So, as we navigate the digital age of sales, let's reframe objections from challenges to opportunities, turning potential deal-breakers into powerful deal-makers.

As the landscape continues to evolve, embracing these principles and leveraging cutting-edge tools will not only enhance your sales prowess but also ensure you remain an indispensable asset in the ever-changing world of modern commerce.

Overcoming Objections with Sendspark

Objections in sales are a part of the process, but how you handle them can set you apart. 

Break through objections using the power of video. With Sendspark, you can respond to objections with personalized video messages. This puts a face to the pitch making your communication authentic and compelling while showing you truly care.

Selling with Sendspark videos gives you…

  • A Personal Touch: While you can’t always be there in person, Sendspark ensures your presence is felt. Capture your sincerity, enthusiasm, and professionalism on video.
  • Customized Experience: Design landing pages tailored for each video, creating a unique experience for your prospects.
  • Data-Driven Insights: Know your audience better. Understand who's watched your videos, for how long, and from where with our advanced analytics.
  • Always Look Your Best: AI touch-up feature ensures you’re presented in the best light, making every video pitch-perfect.

We understand the challenges sales teams face, especially in the remote scenario. Hence, we offer free accounts with free storage, curated specifically for sales professionals like you. 

Don't just communicate; connect. And with Sendspark, connect better. Start your free account today and redefine the way you handle objections in sales.


What are the most common sales objections?

The most common sales objections include objections based on price, objections about the value of your product, objections about the product being different from competitors, and objections about the prospect's buying process.

How important is objection handling in the sales process?

Objection handling is a crucial part of the sales process. It allows sales reps to address and overcome any concerns or hesitations that prospects may have, ultimately increasing the chances of closing a sale.

What types of objections can sales reps face?

Sales reps can face objections related to price, value, competition, buying process, product features, and more. The specific objections may vary depending on the industry and the prospect's specific needs.

How can I respond to sales objections?

When responding to sales objections, it is important to listen actively, empathize with the prospect's concerns, address the objection directly, and provide relevant information or solutions that overcome the objection. It's also crucial to maintain a positive and professional attitude throughout the conversation.

How can I handle objections based on price?

When facing objections based on price, you can explain how your product or service offers unique value or benefits that justify the price. You can also offer discounts or payment plans to make the pricing more attractive to the prospect.

What is the process for overcoming objections?

The process for overcoming objections involves listening, understanding the objection, providing relevant information or solutions, addressing any concerns, and guiding the prospect towards a positive resolution. It requires effective communication and building trust with the prospect.

How can I handle objections specific to my industry or product?

Handling objections specific to your industry or product requires a deep understanding of your target audience, competitors, and unique selling points. By thoroughly knowing your product or service, you can provide tailored responses and address any objections with confidence.

What are some tips for handling objections in a sales call?

Some tips for handling objections in a sales call include staying calm and composed, actively listening to the prospect, maintaining a positive tone, asking relevant questions for clarification, and providing clear and concise answers or solutions to the objection.

Why do prospects raise objections during the sales process?

Prospects raise objections during the sales process because they may have concerns, doubts, or hesitations about the product or service you are offering. Objections are a natural part of the buying process, and addressing them effectively can help build trust and credibility with the prospect.

How can I overcome objections and turn them into selling points?

To overcome objections and turn them into selling points, you can provide additional information, offer data or case studies that demonstrate the value or effectiveness of your product, highlight specific benefits, or show how your product meets the prospect's specific needs or solves their problems.

How can objection handling improve the sales cycle?

Effective objection handling can improve the sales cycle by reducing the time spent on back-and-forth discussions, building trust and rapport with the prospect, speeding up the decision-making process, and ultimately increasing the likelihood of closing a sale.

Mask group Sendspark is video for sales, that scales! Get started with Sendspark to scale your outreach, build stronger relationships, and communicate better with leads and customers. Get Free Trial

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