Sendspark Blog > LinkedIn Video Prospecting: Tips, Tools, and Best Practices

LinkedIn Video Prospecting: Tips, Tools, and Best Practices

LinkedIn is the go-to network for B2B prospecting for quite a few reasons:

These figures are more than enough to prove just how important LinkedIn is in any serious prospecting strategy. 

The question is, how do you prospect effectively? Decision-makers get a lot of pitches. How do you make sure yours gets noticed? 

The answer’s simple: LinkedIn video prospecting. 

Videos are more engaging, they convert better, and — with the right tool — they’re fast and easy to produce. They get up to 85% more responses than written outreach, giving you more opportunities to generate leads. 

What is LinkedIn video prospecting?

LinkedIn video prospecting is the process of reaching out to LinkedIn users via video messages. These can be screencasts, selfie-style shots, or a combination of both. They can be personalized by individual or for different cohorts/segments. 

Video prospecting increases engagement and makes it easy to demonstrate value. As a result, it helps you generate more leads. 

Why LinkedIn video prospecting works

LinkedIn’s Inboxes are getting as crowded and bombarded with spam as email inboxes, so it’s becoming increasingly difficult to cut through the noise.

Video messages let you stand out from the crowd:

The bottom line is that video content never falls short in helping both your pitch stand out from the crowd and your brand outshine other look-alikes.

How to create a complete LinkedIn video sales funnel

You can share videos on LinkedIn as posts or as messages, but the best way to do it is to create a complete sales funnel using video the whole way through.

LinkedIn posts

Get in front of decision-makers by posting videos to your LinkedIn feed. Post a new video at least once a week where you discuss new product updates or share interesting use cases for your products — or anything else your target audience might find interesting.

LinkedIn users watch about 300 million videos per year on the platform, so sharing videos in your LinkedIn posts is a great way to get your product in front of your target decision-makers. Many will also add you as a connection, making it easier to send them messages later.

Introductory messages

Share a brief video to introduce yourself in a connection request or after accepting someone else's connection request. Talk about industry trends and how your solution addresses them. An approach like this not only demonstrates your knowledge but also establishes trust.

LinkedIn’s mobile app lets you record videos and send them directly, but you can’t do that through a browser. You need to use a third-party recording tool, then upload the video file as an attachment or share a link to where it's hosted.

And while you might naturally gravitate towards uploading, there are some good reasons to prefer linking:

  • A link allows you to display a custom thumbnail.
  • Video messaging platforms like Sendspark will enable you to customize the landing page your leads visit to view your video.
  • Linked videos will often provide analytics about engagement.
  • If you have a long list of contacts to send to, it’s far more efficient to send links.

Video sales letters

Once you're confident that a prospect is interested, you can invite them to book a demo with you, or you can send them a video sales letter (VSL) that presents your pitch in full. 

Typically, in a VSL you will:

  • Present a problem the audience has and show you understand the pain it causes them.
  • Demonstrate how your service overcomes that problem better than any alternative.
  • Provide case after case of successful user stories as evidence.

While a lot of businesses that use VSLs incorporate them into sign-up workflows on their websites, sending them via LinkedIn has the advantage of being very personal and one-to-one. 

Customer testimonials

After qualifying leads with a video sales letter, send them customer testimonials to confirm your credibility as a brand and the effectiveness of your service.

The single easiest way to get customer video testimonials you can share on LinkedIn and elsewhere is by using Sendspark’s Request Video function.  

Just go into your Sendspark dashboard, hop to the “Video Requests” tab, and click “Request Video.” This will generate a link that you can copy into a LinkedIn message or email. When your customer clicks on it, without any downloads, they’ll be able to record an off-the-cuff video for you!

When they save it, it shows up in your account for you to download or share directly with your LinkedIn prospects like any other video message.

Customer check-ins

Once you've converted the prospect into a customer, keep in touch with them on LinkedIn. You can send videos where you share new product updates or that show off the features of a higher-cost plan they might be interested in.

A sales funnel that uses videos at every stage of the process like the one we described above will allow you to concentrate sales resources where they can have the biggest impact — converting people at the bottom of the funnel and upselling/cross-selling existing customers. 

9 best practices for LinkedIn video prospecting

Follow the best practices below to be as successful as possible with your LinkedIn video prospecting efforts.

1. Start at the beginning

When contacting a prospect for the very first time, start by introducing yourself:

  • Who you are.
  • What you do.
  • What's in it for them? Why should they care?

Being straightforward from the start and allowing your prospects to see and hear you will help you stand out.

With Sendspark, this is easy to do — you can record a video directly in LinkedIn's compose message window.

2. Create video script templates

Video script templates make it simpler to tailor your messages to each prospect. A well-planned script ensures clear communication, conveys value, and addresses pain points. 

Sendspark has a useful AI video script generator that can speed up this process.

3. Personalize everything you can

There’s a whole bunch of things you can personalize in your video messages using video personalization software like Sendspark:

  • The landing page your video links to. With Sendspark, you can create a dedicated video landing page that you can fully customize by adding your brand, your prospect’s brand, a welcome message, a call to action button, and more.
  • Your video thumbnail. Adding a customized video thumbnail is sure to help you cut through the clutter and spark their interest.
  • Your call-to-action. Sendspark allows you to include a fully customizable CTA button in every video message you send. All it takes is just one click and your prospects will be directed to any place on the web you’d like them to, or you can have them book a meeting with you by leaving a calendar link.

4. Scale your video prospecting

Prospecting is a game of numbers, and even with a prospecting tool such as Sales Navigator by your side, it’s still no easy task.

Sendspark lets you create video templates where you can personalize the branding, welcome message, and CTAs for videos in just a few clicks, enabling you to record a single video and use it to create personalized video messages for dozens — or hundreds — of prospects quickly.

Here's what LevelUp Leads has to say about Sendspark:

"We've utilized Sendspark's service to create personalized LinkedIn videos, and the results have been outstanding. The ability to tailor videos for each prospect using AI has significantly enhanced our engagement and response rates. It's also saving us a lot of time.

The platform's ease of use and the professional quality of the videos have made our outreach efforts more effective and impactful. Sendspark has been a game-changer as part of our LinkedIn Services offering, helping us connect with our audience on a more personal level and driving better overall outcomes for our business."

5. Make it prospect-centric 

People love talking about themselves, and if you show genuine interest in them, you’ll not only make them feel appreciated but will also get some invaluable insight into what makes them tick and how you can make the most of it.

All you need to get them going is to ask the right questions, for example:

  • Ask them about a common challenge they face in their line of business.
  • Ask them how they usually tackle that problem.
  • Ask for their opinion on something, such as a post they’ve liked or shared.

These kinds of questions will both show that you think highly of their opinions and problems and will enable you to find out more about them and see how well they fit into your ICP.

Moreover, once you know things such as their biggest pain points, you’ll be able to devise a sales strategy custom-made for them alone.

6. Include social proof

Making customer testimonials part of your prospecting strategy and including them in your video message is never a bad idea. They let your prospects hear about your brand from people who don’t have any material gain from speaking about it.

Sendspark allows you to get those video testimonials easily using its Request Video feature. All your customers need do is click on the link you’ve sent them, and they’ll start recording without having to install anything. The video will then automatically be uploaded to your account.

7. Add value to your video

Providing prospects with some value is a must if you want them to take the time to consider what you have to offer. Try arousing their interest by beginning with a bold statement, a counterintuitive fact, or a thought-provoking question.

For example, you could start by claiming that an engaging customer experience can sometimes be delivered better virtually than in person, as it’s an assertion that is contrary to common beliefs and ideas.

You could then proceed by explaining why it is so, what the benefits are of virtual communication and customer onboarding, and, of course, how your product can help prospects provide their clients with the very best customer experience out there.

Keep in mind that tossing a good hook will get you a long way, as it will compel prospects to want to hear more about the subject. The more outrageous the claim, the more likely people will be to sit through your video to the very end. 

Additionally, mention only the things that are the most relevant for the early stages of prospecting. Remember, you’re aiming to spark interest, engage, and lure your prospects in for starters. Leave out everything that’s redundant for achieving those goals and save it for later.

8. Keep it short

After the first 30 seconds, about 33% of people will stop watching a video, and after two minutes, about 60% will no longer be watching a video. So you have to keep your message short, while at the same time including everything that has to be said.

And remember, the first couple of sentences have to be compelling enough to spark prospects’ curiosity and make them want to hear more because all it takes is one simple click to exit your message and waste all the effort you put into it.

9. Follow up 

Regular follow-ups are a must, especially when you consider that 80% of sales require as many as five follow-ups, which means that simply throwing in the towel after a single attempt is never an option.

However, there’s a fine line between showing a professional interest and being pushy, so make sure you don’t cross it. Consider sending follow-up video messages to:

  • Congratulate a prospect on an important anniversary, job change, promotion, award, etc.
  • Pose a question about their most recent post.
  • Compliment them on their accomplishments.

Moreover, a follow-up is always in order when you have something special in store for them, such as:

  • A one-of-a-kind offer that’s tailored to their needs.
  • A new product release that could interest them.
  • An update on your product’s features.
  • Special discounts or sales.

All in all, just make sure that the follow-up is relevant to them in one way or another while finding a way to weave your product into the narrative.

And since Sendspark provides you with instant notifications as soon as your prospects have watched the video or clicked the CTA button, you won’t have to worry about following up a second too soon or too late.

LinkedIn video prospecting FAQs

What are some effective video prospecting techniques?

Some of the most effective video prospecting techniques you can use include:

  • Personalization: Personalize your videos by addressing a prospect by name to form a real connection.
  • Clear and concise videos: Ensure your message is clear and to the point while keeping the video length short and engaging.
  • Quality visuals: Make sure you’re using high-quality images, lighting, and sound to create a professional video.

How can I optimize my LinkedIn video prospecting efforts?

A good prospecting strategy starts with research. The more you know about your target audience, the more effective your videos will be. 

It also helps to follow a video script and use features such as LinkedIn InMail. A well-planned script can help you convey your message more persuasively. And by leveraging InMail, you can analyze the performance of your videos.

What are some common LinkedIn video prospecting mistakes?

Some of the most common mistakes include:

  • A lack of personalization: Personalized videos showcase a genuine interest in the needs of your prospects.  
  • Poor video quality: Invest in good lighting and sound equipment to boost video quality. 
  • No CTA: Be clear about the next steps you want a prospect to take. 
  • Being overly sales-y: Avoid making your message sound like a sales pitch.

Which prospecting tools can enhance my LinkedIn video strategy?

Video prospecting tools like Sendspark can enhance your LinkedIn video strategy. They provide features like video recording, editing, analytics, and a seamless integration with LinkedIn. These tools can help you create and manage your video prospecting efforts more efficiently.

Can video content improve prospecting conversion rates?

Video content improves prospecting conversion rates by generating more interest and trust. Engaging video content is an opportunity to showcase your personality, demonstrate your expertise, and connect with your prospects on a more personal level. 

By nurturing relationships in this way, you can increase conversion rates. 

What are the components of a successful LinkedIn video prospecting campaign?

A successful LinkedIn video prospecting campaign consists of the following elements:

  • Targeted prospecting: Begin by researching your target audience to craft personalized messages.
  • Engaging video content: Create engaging videos that clearly communicate your value proposition.
  • Consistency: Consistently post and interact with your prospects to maintain visibility.
  • Continuous improvement: Analyze the performance of your videos and refine your approach to continuously improve your campaign.

Getting started with LinkedIn video prospecting

LinkedIn video prospecting is the best way to reach out to and convert leads. It cuts through the noise, engages prospects, and makes your connections more personal. 

Remember, in a sea of similar pitches and outreach efforts, standing out is paramount. By harnessing the power of video, you can capture attention, differentiate yourself, and leave a lasting impression on your prospects. 

So, if you're still relying on traditional written outreach, it's time to adapt and embrace the future. Equip yourself with the right tools, techniques, and strategies outlined in this guide, and start prospecting like a pro.

Mask group Sendspark is video for sales, that scales! Get started with Sendspark to scale your outreach, build stronger relationships, and communicate better with leads and customers. Get Started Now

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